Viennese Actionism

Viennese Actionism is an example of Austrian performance art that took place between 1960-1971 and is, to this day, considered controversial. Placing it into a historical context, the consequence which the so-called Victim Myth, propagated after WWII, had on its people. This myth is a theory that argues that Austria has essentially been the first victim of Nazi Germany, having been annexed in 1938 to be part of the Third Reich.

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Vija Celmins

An ocean, a desert, a night sky … Vija Celmins’ photorealistic paintings have impressed the art world for over forty years.

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Remembering Ren Hang

On 24th February, 2017 the provocative and controversial Chinese photographer and poet, Ren Hang, aged 30, leapt from a building to his death. He had long been known to have clinical depression, partly being famous for his blog titled “My Depression” that he began in 2007. His work, which tended to place the naked body, both male and female, either within nature or modern urban landscapes, was dark, emotional and corporeal. In his work flesh was tangible, sensual and sordid. However, the photos also have a feeling of gentleness and intimacy, even innocence.

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